The Journey of the Egg

Have you ever thought where your eggs come from?

The journey of an egg is a story we say in Cyprus since 1986. Vasilico family is working hard every day to provide fresh, high-quality Cypriot eggs. Always on time to enjoy!

Did you know? In our farms we host around 22.000 chickens and produce more than 18.000 eggs every day.

An egg begins as an egg!

The journey begins in egg hatchery where the fertilized eggs from breeding flocks are placed in special incubators. Twenty-one days later the eggs hatch into chicks. The chicks then are transferred in our special barn for small chicks, where they will remain for 17 weeks to mature. These hens are then transported to our farms to begin the production.

We need great preparation for a new flock! It is a busy period for our family and staff. Farm should be thoroughly cleaned and all equipment is inspected to make sure that our hens are healthy and comfortable.

Housing Systems!

We mainly use two systems to house our hens. Each system provides a clean environment, access to quality food and clean water.

In Automated Housing Systems, hens fed with nutritious animal feed and monitored in all stages of production. Followed by a fully automated procedure that guarantees uniform distribution of feed and ensures quality 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Eggs in monitored housing systems are clean and bacteria-free compared to other types of egg production.

"Free-range" gives access to hens outdoors when the weather permits. Vasilico free range eggs come from hens that roam in barns and have access to green areas and pasture on our farm in the village of Arediou in the Nicosia district. Free range eggs are collected in our facilities where are certified, packaged and distributed in accordance with hygiene and food safety regulations to guarantee the highest quality of Vasilico Eggs. Since the climate in Cyprus is dry and summer temperatures high enough hens are housed in controlled temperature units mostly of the time. This allows us to maintain a constant temperature throughout the year on our farm, and protect our hens from bad weather, such as rain, snow, heat and moisture and from any germs that may be present in the environment.

From the farm to your table!

Eggs travel from the farm to the sorting station, which is registered under the Cyprus legislation. Here eggs are inspected and cleaned. The quality of eggs is then tested using a process called "candling", wherein the ovum passes over an intense light, revealing the state of the eggshell, the air chamber size and if the yolk is well centered.

The eggs are then divided into grades (AA,A,B) based on predefined criteria and packaged according to their weight. After storage and package we deliver to supermarkets, bakeries and pastry shops, and from there to your table.